Why artificial intelligence will transform social services

We are immersed in an unstoppable, wide-ranging and profound technological evolution –the 4th industrial revolution– which for around fifteen years has been rapidly transforming all professional sectors through the mediums of big data and artificial intelligence.


The NIU programme: an experience in joint intervention between basic social services and the health services in Granollers

The NIU Program, promoted by the Social Services Department of Granollers City Council, seeks to provide care and support to pregnant women at risk in social and health terms.

It is a prevention programme for pregnancy and for the future family following the baby’s birth and until the baby reaches one years of age.


Educational intervention with teenagers in conflict with the law in an open environment. The invisible part of legal education in Valencia

This article seeks to research into the reality for teenage people in conflict with the law, as well as the efforts implemented from an open environment by the various professional teams working with said group at town councils or local associations in the province of Valencia.


PRODERAI as a screening instrument: an educational control device

The fight against violent extremism in Catalan society has led to the introduction of social surveillance policies within the educational field; the Protocol for the Detection of Islamic Radicalism (PRODERAI) is one example of this. This protocol applied to pupils (who are mostly underage), which is secret, based on police instructions conveyed verbally, and of doubtful effectiveness, illustrates legal significance in the educational field.


The role of social work within the Mental Health and Addictions Network of Girona

In 1978, the first social workers joined the mental health field at the Psychiatric Hospital of Salt. Forty years later, these professionals have become a key component in the model of mental healthcare in Girona. This article aims 1) to analyse how social work is introduced into the Mental Health and Addictions Network of Girona (XSMiA) attached to the Healthcare Institute (IAS), 2) to review the development this professional figure has witnessed; and 3) to identify future challenges observed by professionals.


Application of the methodologies of social work in the sphere of education. The UniverDI programme: University education for young people with learning disability

In education, social work has been characterized by an incomprehensible absence of a professional figure or, in some cases, by the scant involvement of such a figure. It is unquestionable to debate that the presence of social work in educational systems would not bring countless benefits to the various players involved in the educational community (students, family members, teachers, administrative and service staff, institution, community, and/or engaged public administrations).


A Participatory Action Research experience in social work: Strengthening collaborative work between agents in the field of inclusion in Gipuzkoa

This article sets out reflections regarding the researcher’s role within the context of a Participatory Action Research (PAR) project experience conducted by researchers from the Department of Social Work and Sociology at the University of Deusto on San Sebastian/Donostia campus. This methodology, capable of generating relational dynamics and reciprocity practices, makes it possible to link research in social work to professional practice, overcoming the potential dichotomy existing between both dimensions.


The State as a guarantor of rights and breeding ground for inequalities: Reflections on the National Pension Inclusion Plan for the Elderly (Argentina, 2005)

This article contributes to the reflection on state policies from their twofold perspective as a facilitator of citizens’ rights and, at the same time, a breeding ground for social inequalities, taking the National Pension Inclusion Plan for the Elderly (2005), implemented in Argentina, as a point of reference and an empirical tension for the purposes of considering these state actions.


Care, independent life and functional diversity: Theoretical analysis and practical links

In this article we explore the theoretical connection between studies on care and the proposals offered by the social disability model. The aim is to highlight the scientific knowledge generated by the group of people with functional diversity to incorporate it into the various approaches to care. Our ultimate goal is to forge a model of care that meets the demands of the movement for independent life in terms of functional diversity.


Social intervention with families in a situation of chronicity in basic social care services

Families in situations of chronicity and dependency on social services constitute just one of the profiles professionals forming basic social care services deal with. The risk of dependence on the part of these families often stems from two aspects: firstly, the gradual delegation of basic functions onto institutional and professional structures; and, secondly, lack of knowledge or difficulties for professionals when it comes to determining the most suitable models and methods for intervention.

