The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on Generation Z, which made it necessary to design health promotion projects aimed at mitigating its effects. For this reason, a quantitative-descriptive research was undertaken orientated towards understanding their lifestyle habits with the purpose of incorporating their own vision. 588 high school students from an urban environment, aged between 11 and 17, of both sexes and non-binary participated. The results indicate that youngest people maintain satisfactory relationships in their immediate social context and their eating habits include the intake of carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits and proteins, at least 3 times a week; sweets and prepared foods have an important presence in their diet and the consumption of fruits is considerable. A sedentary lifestyle is noted with the use of social networks and electronic devices fully integrated into their daily activities, which can lead to health problems. Social workers’ interventions can promote the adoption and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, either by working with groups of students, supporting them to discover their own resources and generate their own solutions to the challenges of their time, or by designing prevention and health promotion programs at community level. Health promotion should be supported by public policies directed towards the most vulnerable groups and be sustained over time.
Lifestyle habits of Generation Z in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from the standpoint of a health promotion project for adolescents
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