The NIU programme: an experience in joint intervention between basic social services and the health services in Granollers

Barranco Flores
Aranda Castán

The NIU Program, promoted by the Social Services Department of Granollers City Council, seeks to provide care and support to pregnant women at risk in social and health terms.

It is a prevention programme for pregnancy and for the future family following the baby’s birth and until the baby reaches one years of age.

The negative conditioning factors relating to potential participants are taken into consideration: situations of violence, loneliness, age, emotional instability, lack of or irregularity in medical supervision, partner abandonment, financial circumstances and medical background in organic and psychological terms, among other situations.

The basic goal of the NIU programme is to prevent potential situations of prenatal abuse and neglect or abuse during the early months of a baby’s life. This objective is addressed through emotional support and accompaniment for pregnant women/mothers: they are given information, preparation and guidance with health aspects, legal aspects and in the encouragement of a bond between mother and baby.

The development of this programme has been made possible thanks to joint work between the social healthcare units and the basic social service units in the city which detect, diagnose and refer participating mothers, and thanks to the work of the educators in the weekly group forum where participants meet, and indeed thanks to individual support provided by the family worker at mothers’ homes and during the accompaniment period.

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Pregnancy, prevention, prenatal abuse, social risk, coordination
Citation: Barranco Flores, C., Aranda Castán, A. (2020). The NIU programme: an experience in joint intervention between basic social services and the health services in Granollers. Revista de Treball Social, 218, 85-102. doi:
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Legislative framework

Ley 14/2010, de 27 de mayo, de los derechos y las oportunidades en la infancia y la adolescencia. DOGC núm. 5641, de 2 de junio de 2010.

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RTS 218