This study raises the issue of the relationship between patients’ social circumstances and the time spent admitted to hospital, while also considering the influence that the complexity and the organisation of social hospital intervention may have on this period. The study benefits from a sample of 105 patients admitted, assessed and attended by social workers in the subacute care unit at Centre Fòrum in Barcelona in 2017 (n = 105). A quantitative methodology has been used by applying the Gijón socio-family evaluation scale, the ECISACH-BCN PSMAR complexity of social intervention in hospital scale and other compiled information about the profile of patients in the sample and their hospital stay. The results indicate that patients in circumstances involving risk or social problems spent more time admitted to hospital than those who benefitted from more favourable socio-family circumstances. Moreover, a trend involving an increasing length of stay was identified in those cases where the complexity of the social intervention was higher. Nevertheless, when organisation of social intervention has been early and proactive, patients have tended to undergo shorter hospital admissions regardless of their social risk levels, thus reducing the effect of the complex nature of the social interventions performed. In this regard, social healthcare work is vindicated as a profession that is not in conflict with the efficient use of healthcare resources; rather, it could be one that does facilitate this.
The social dimension of the length of a hospital stay. The case of the Centre Fòrum subacute care unit

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