The Committee on Basic Social Services of the Official Association of Social Work of Catalonia: a track record spanning a decade

Ginesta Rey
López Ibáñez
Peña López
Vega Bautista

The Committee on Basic Social Services of the Official Association of Social Work of Catalonia was set up in 2010. In 2021 it had built a team of 25 professionals with knowledge and experience in basic social services (BSS), in various local authorities and third sector organisations, and in different professional roles. Its mission is to discuss and reflect on BSS in order to analyse, recommend and issue proposals in this respect from the standpoint of social work. Most of its participants are women. Stemming from this Committee, the Housing Committee and a professional care service entitled T’acompanyem (We Support You) have been established.

By means of this paper, the Committee wishes to celebrate its first ten years in existence, compiling and showcasing the work carried out and underlining the aspects that have made this possible, while setting out the new challenges posed.

Certain aspects that stand out as enablers include: the experience of mutual assistance and empowerment among participants allowing them to emerge from a complaint and adopt a proactive stance; the diversity of participating profiles and horizontality in their organisation; the diversification of participation formulae, with differing degrees and channels, or based on interests, expertise, competence and availability; dialogue and ongoing debate. A number of difficulties that have been highlighted are the excess workload and the scant representation exhibited by small and/or rural communities.

The experience is highly positive, but the difficulties must be addressed to allow the objectives set by the Committee to be reached.

Basic social services, professional association, committees, participation, complaint, empowerment, political advocacy
Citation: Ginesta Rey, M., López Ibáñez, B., Peña López, M., Vega Bautista, B. (2022). The Committee on Basic Social Services of the Official Association of Social Work of Catalonia: a track record spanning a decade. Revista de Treball Social, 222, 51-78. doi:
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