Undertaking the parental role in Catalan prisons. The experience of the Parental Responsibility and Education Management Group at Brians 2 prison

Pujol Serna

Children with a parent in prison are at significantly greater risk of suffering numerous adverse effects if support is lacking. The Secretariat for Criminal Measures, Rehabilitation and Victim Support (SMPRAV) seeks to minimise relapse and protect victims. The risk management model focuses on identifying, assessing and minimising the criminal risk factors that have led an individual to commit a crime. The performance of the parental role must be acknowledged as a primary component because, in addition to strengthening social and family ties, it may serve as a protective factor against recidivism. This paper sets out the work carried out by the Parental Responsibility Group at Brians 2 prison in this respect over recent years. Its efforts have illustrated the need to pay careful attention to the rights of the children of prisoners, as well as the need to develop settings that
make it easier to perform the parental role.

Parental role, participation, cross-discipline, visualisation
Citation: Pujol Serna, N. (2021). Undertaking the parental role in Catalan prisons. The experience of the Parental Responsibility and Education Management Group at Brians 2 prison. Revista de Treball Social, 221, 123-139. doi: https://doi.org/10.32061/RTS2021.221.07.
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