Knowledge and attitudes concerning the advance directive document at a care home

Gallart Guivernau

This study seeks to examine the level of knowledge concerning the advance directive document (ADD) that is held by the workers and residents of a care home, along with their attitudes towards it. To do this, a theoretical approach to concepts related to the ADD has been put forward. These concepts are: prevalence, use, knowledge and attitude in relation to the document on the part of care staff and the role of social work in this respect. The methodological framework is conceived around interviews with various professionals from the care home and a focus group with the participation of residents from the home. The study also engages in interviews with professionals from the sphere of social and educational action with the elderly, deemed as points of reference in this field. The analysis of the results highlights the lack of knowledge of the ADD shown by professionals and residents of the home, although they do exhibit a positive attitude towards the document, and both groups expressed a need for training in this sphere and for the ADD to be incorporated into the home as a decisive component in administering the right to die with dignity.

Senior citizens, advance directive document, social work, care home setting, dignified death
Citation: Gallart Guivernau, N. (2021). Knowledge and attitudes concerning the advance directive document at a care home. Revista de Treball Social, 221, 11-28. doi:
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