Social intervention in Early Care and Childhood Development Centres (CDIAPs): an ongoing examination

Rodríguez Civil
García Hernández
Dimitrova Aladzhova
Andrea V.
Rodríguez Erazú
A. V.
Segú Colomé

There is a widespread consensus in early care about the importance of the family and the environment in childhood development and regarding the fact that promoting optimal environmental or contextual conditions improves the quality of life, and indeed the overall development of children.

The ongoing evolution that takes place in society and in the environment calls for the care provided to children and their families at Early Care and Childhood Development Centres (CDIAP) to be adapted to this constant change. For this reason, this article reviews the documents and instruments that have so far served as a guide and as guidance for the care that addresses the social and family needs exhibited by families in the context of early care. Moreover, it presents the JADE, a proposal for a flexible diagnostic tool that is easy to adapt to the unsteady nature of current realities and a model for the implementation of this tool in CDIAPs in Catalonia.

Social intervention, social and family diagnosis, early care, JADE
Citation: Rodríguez Civil, A., García Hernández, J., Dimitrova Aladzhova, G., Rodríguez Erazú, A. V., Segú Colomé, S. (2021). Social intervention in Early Care and Childhood Development Centres (CDIAPs): an ongoing examination. Revista de Treball Social, 221, 139-152. doi:
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