Changes and healthcare adaptation of the Addictions and Mental Health Service of Sant Joan de Reus University Hospital in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic

Llort Suárez
Borràs Cabacés

In this paper we aim to describe the adaptation process that the Addictions and Mental Health Service of Sant Joan de Reus University Hospital underwent during the lockdown declared due to the Covid-19 pandemic. First of all, we examine how these technical changes take place with regard to being able to deliver telecare (psychotherapy, medical and
social monitoring) to patients who needed it, as well as assessing the suitability of these telecare systems – which are likely to remain in use after the lockdown – and the assessment by patients and professionals. In order to carry out this study, the truncated training placements of eleven students were transformed in order to train them as interviewers, allowing them to form part of the fieldwork questionnaire design team. The team from the Addictions and Mental Health Service of Sant Joan de Reus University
Hospital also launched a telephone helpline for emotional support for all hospital workers, especially those who were on the frontline. Given the urgency the situation called for, the scant preparation and lack of experience in these situations coupled with the psychological pandemic context, we sought to highlight, describe and share those elements that have led our service to become an example of organizational resilience, delivering a swift, adapted response to the needs of our patients, professionals and students on training placements by means of an interdisciplinary approach.

Covid-19 psychological pandemic, telecare, Addictions and Mental Health Service of Sant Joan de Reus University Hospital, organisational resilience, interdisciplinary approach
Citation: Llort Suárez, A., Borràs Cabacés, T. (2021). Changes and healthcare adaptation of the Addictions and Mental Health Service of Sant Joan de Reus University Hospital in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. Revista de Treball Social, 221, 49-68. doi:
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