Progressing with the process to build the social healthcare work information system in Catalonia

Martínez Plaza
Mir Labalsa
Riba Cebrián

From the standpoint of the health system, the contribution of social work in the field of health allows us to bear in mind the social factors that interfere or may interfere with the health-illness process. Aware of their importance, we highlight the value of having an effective tool that facilitates their detection and identification in a systematic, shared way in the various health systems of Catalonia.

This article describes the process that has been undertaken in order to put forward a new proposal for health and social work information systems aimed at community health services, which will form part of the existing information system by incorporating it into the eCAP platform.

The process begins with the formation of a task force comprised by social workers in the field of community health, enabling the analysis and pooling of various information and registration systems provided by the different professionals. Moreover, based on cooperative work, the protective and risk factors associated with the different dimensions assessed under the system are defined. In the conclusions we highlight the strength the tool can deliver in terms of methodological support and the importance of the survival of the task force to ensure the effective implementation of the tool.

Health and social work, systematic organisation of the register, information systems, social assessment
Citation: Martínez Plaza, E., Mir Labalsa, V., Riba Cebrián, J. (2021). Progressing with the process to build the social healthcare work information system in Catalonia. Revista de Treball Social, 220, 165-181. doi:
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