Raising awareness of supervision in social work. A project for support upon beginning professional practice

Maria Eva
Díaz Martínez
M. E.
Serna González

The Social Work Association of Catalonia (TSCAT) endeavours to promote supervision among social work professionals and to legitimise the profession of social work through supervision tasks within the sphere of social welfare services. In this context, the Task Force for Raising Awareness of Supervision arose, attached to TSCAT Supervision Board.

This paper sets out the history and the method of operation of this force, along with the first two projects carried out. It also compiles the results of the Survey on knowledge and opinions of supervision in the association, as well as the planning, development and outcomes of the Project on Raising Awareness of Supervision in Social Work.

The positive response from members of the association to the survey and the participants’ positive assessment of the awareness project encourages the task force to continue working in order to meet the group’s needs in terms of supervision.

Furthermore, this paper includes a reflection on certain data indicating that among social work professionals a culture of supervision purveys which is linked to the institution where they work, rather than being seen as an individual tool for support and improvement in professional intervention.


Raising awareness of supervision, social work, support, role and professional welfare
Citation: Díaz Martínez, M. E., Serna González, L. (2021). Raising awareness of supervision in social work. A project for support upon beginning professional practice. Revista de Treball Social, 220, 121-136. doi:https://doi.org/10.32061/RTS2021.220.06.
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