Supporting social service teams in the promotion of more community-oriented intervention models: systematically organising the experience and compiling learning

Ballester Frago

This article compiles the reflections and lessons learned from the experience of supporting social service teams in the promotion of community work as part of their intervention models between 2017 and 2020. Through the systematic organisation of the work conducted, a host of key content- and process-related aspects are identified that may help bring about these changes to the forms of care offered and the organisational models needed to deliver this care.

In a social and healthcare emergency context that demands more proactive, collective approaches, as well as a return to community work within the assignments incumbent on social services, this article aims to provide several clues with a view to future processes that may be set in motion with this community-based approach in mind.

Firstly, the article begins by setting out the current situation regarding community mandates in strategic social service documents. Next, the vested interests and needs behind the demand for support in promoting community work are analysed in depth. Lastly, the key stages of the supporting role performed are presented, and the emerging components that have been identified as leverage aspects for these processes of change are disseminated.

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Community work, social services, community-based approach, support, community intervention model
Citation: Ballester Frago, M. (2020). Supporting social service teams in the promotion of more community-oriented intervention models: systematically organising the experience and compiling learning. Revista de Treball Social, 219, 1-17. doi:
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