Social workers facing current high levels of social complexity in paediatric palliative care in Catalonia: are we prepared?

Balma Soraya
Hernández Moscoso
B. S.
Magí Eladi
Baños Gala
M. E.
Puigdengolas Sans
Badosa Pascual
Pellicer Arasa
Rodríguez Crespo
Navarro Vilarrubí

Continued social changes and contextual diversity are giving rise to new health needs. Key social components are becoming increasingly significant, adding to the psychosocial complexity that goes hand in hand with medical complexity. Paediatric palliative care is not immune to modern-day realities and it is influenced by social and political factors. Accordingly, it has become important to highlight the existence of social complexity factors when it comes to the assessment, social intervention and support of patients and families. The presence of the social worker in paediatric palliative care teams ensures that indicators of social complexity and protective factors may be identified, thereby making it possible to deliver comprehensive care. However, guaranteed recognition for social workers to be valued as members of the healthcare field remains a challenge.

Healthcare and Social Work, paediatric palliative care, social complexity.
Citation: Hernández Moscoso, B. S., Baños Gala, M. E., Puigdengolas Sans, L., Badosa Pascual, R., Pellicer Arasa, E., Rodríguez Crespo, L., Navarro Vilarrubí, S. (2024). Social workers facing current high levels of social complexity in paediatric palliative care in Catalonia: are we prepared?. Revista de Treball Social, 226, 173-194. doi:
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