The social work experience of groups in class: an approach to Corino de Andrade’s disease based on the Service Learning Methodology

Ana J.
A. J.
M. Elena
M. E.
Casado de Staritzky

In cooperation with the Balearic Association for Corino de Andrade’s Disease (ABEA), the University of the Balearic Islands has carried out a teaching innovation project in one of its group social work subjects on the context of the 17th SDG. The main objective was to raise awareness among future social work professionals about people affected by Corino de Andrade’s disease and their families. Rare diseases are a source of significant distress for affected people and their families; therefore, a professional’s lack of understanding or knowledge constitutes a handicap when it comes to delivering responses based on these people’s needs. In this service learning project, the development of a group experience was put forward which could be extrapolated to the community aimed at ABEA members, consisting of a life experience. The students experienced both the role of the social worker as enabled by the group and the role of the affected person or that of the caregiver or family member. The students benefitted from the support of some ABEA members, who shared their experience. The outcomes suggest that without prior knowledge about this specific disease, the students enhanced their theoretical and emotional knowledge level. Stepping into the shoes of the affected person or the family member placed them in a different position, fostering a work ethic founded on a perspective of empathy and cooperation. The project involved bringing society, groups –which in many cases have been veiled– and the university together.

Service learning, SL, group social work, rare diseases, group intervention
Citation: Cañas-Lerma, A. J., Cuartero-Castañer, M. E., Casado de Staritzky, T. (2021). The social work experience of groups in class: an approach to Corino de Andrade’s disease based on the Service Learning Methodology. Revista de Treball Social, 220, 137-152. doi:
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