Recovery of the archive of the University of Barcelona School of Social Work

  Josep Antoni López Rodríguez

This article strives to contribute to the informative work of the project for the recovery and conservation of the historical archive of the University of Barcelona School of Social Work. The archive conserves documentation dating from before the school was officially set up, i.e., 1953.

The article is divided into two parts: one that portrays the historical journey of the School of Social Work of Barcelona, helping to determine the context in which it emerged and subsequent influences; and a second setting out some of the results of this recovery of the archive, specifically some of the foremost features of dissertations presented between 1957 and 1989 (the wording used to describe what we now call final degree projects).

The aim of this project is for the research to become a cooperative endeavour among the people and institutions involved and for it to encourage us to question an understanding and (re)understanding of our history.

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School of Social Work, historical archive, (re)understanding our history.
Citation: Josep Antoni López Rodríguez (2019). Recovery of the archive of the University of Barcelona School of Social Work. Revista de Treball Social, 215, . doi: RTS2019.215.18.
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