Protocol for joint intervention involving families of inmates at prisons. The experience of Lledoners prison

Enjuanes Llop
Caballero Marcos
Porras Cejudo

This paper seeks to show and promote, among the professional prison community, the experience of creating and applying a procedure that we refer to as the Protocol for Joint Intervention involving Families (or PICFA from the Catalan, for short) at Lledoners prison. This working protocol encourages relatives of inmates inside the prison to become involved and to gain access to interventions so that joint meetings can be organised among inmates and with professionals from the multidisciplinary teams (abbreviated herein with EMD). The general goal of these interventions is to address specific issues relating to treatment and to the rehabilitation and reintegration processes that unfold in prisons. Consequently, based on the experience built up from the practice that began in 2016, in 2019 the authors performed the task of conceptualising and researching the theoretical framework behind this kind of intervention, generating a more suitable and well-founded operating framework. The value that this experience provides is that it takes place within a setting that is closed off to the community (a prison) and which often cannot be permeated by external agents, including relatives and/or other relevant actors from the social settings of inmates. At the same time, it facilitates communication between the various agents that are closely involved with the inmate, led by social work professionals as part of a multidisciplinary initiative.

Prisons, families, support, social intervention, reintegration
Citation: Enjuanes Llop, Jordi, Caballero Marcos, Alberto, Porras Cejudo, Alba (2023). Protocol for joint intervention involving families of inmates at prisons. The experience of Lledoners prison. Revista de Treball Social, 224, 73-87. doi:
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