Opportunities and challenges for social work in the healthcare sector on the context of the development of the Comprehensive Paediatric Palliative Care Network (XAPPI) in Catalonia

Balma Soraya
Hernández Moscoso
B. S.
Pellicer Arasa
Ana María
Alonso García

Although pondering on death among children and young people is a disagreeable responsibility, the goal of paediatric palliative care is to strive to provide end-of-life support for children. Paediatric palliative care is established as the specialist field that deals with illnesses for which no cure is available. From a multidisciplinary position, the comprehensive paediatric palliative care network of Catalonia (XAPPI) is being implemented to provide a biopsychosocial and spiritual response for patients and families facing illnesses for which no possible treatment is available. The aim of this paper is to convey the host of opportunities and challenges faced both by social workers in their professional undertaking and indeed by the discipline at large in this area.

Social work in the healthcare sector, paediatric palliative care, social intervention
Citation: Hernández Moscoso, B. S., Pellicer Arasa, E., Alonso García, A. (2022). Opportunities and challenges for social work in the healthcare sector on the context of the development of the Comprehensive Paediatric Palliative Care Network (XAPPI) in Catalonia. Revista de Treball Social, 223, 123-138. doi:https://doi.org/10.32061/RTS2022.223.06.
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