

We would like to take the opportunity of the release of this edition to introduce ourselves as the new RTS editorial board. We have taken the baton from former boards responsibly and appreciatively, and we wish to ensure that the forthcoming issues will continue to re ect these two characteristics.

Our goal is to ensure the RTS is an up-to-date, accessible journal that expands borders, encourages critical analysis of the social reality and showcases professional experiences, whilst also serving as a source for promoting practice- and research-based scienti c knowledge. This journal strives to be the ideal companion for social workers in the present day.

Over these rst months we have reviewed the various processes involved in the journal and we have done so with the utmost regard and esteem for everything the RTS represents for the discipline of social work, for the training of professionals and students and for the delivery of the profession. The results are presented here.

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Citation: (2019). Editorial. Revista de Treball Social, 215, .